Long Live The Search Engines – Cherryone

30 12 2008

If you have a website, we have news for you. The homepage is dead. Long live the search engines!

75% of visitors arrive at a page on your website via search –

“Basically search engines rule the web,” says, the research Guru Dr, Neilson.

What that means for you is that your landing pages need to be beefed up with relevant material not just stuffed with keywords that bring that visitor to your site. Another relevant piece of news is that people browsing the Net are getting more impatient and savvy. They not only know how to navigate their way around, but also know when their time is being wasted. They want to conduct their business and move on. So you need to give them what they want fast by getting stratight to the point. Be it information or transaction, brevity and relevance is the key. Have your offer ready when they arrive and give them the tools to wrap it up, fast. Otherwise not only will they exit your site but will also make sure to steer clear of it even when it pulls up in future SERPS. Read the rest of this entry »