Long Live The Search Engines – Cherryone

30 12 2008

If you have a website, we have news for you. The homepage is dead. Long live the search engines!

75% of visitors arrive at a page on your website via search –

“Basically search engines rule the web,” says, the research Guru Dr, Neilson.

What that means for you is that your landing pages need to be beefed up with relevant material not just stuffed with keywords that bring that visitor to your site. Another relevant piece of news is that people browsing the Net are getting more impatient and savvy. They not only know how to navigate their way around, but also know when their time is being wasted. They want to conduct their business and move on. So you need to give them what they want fast by getting stratight to the point. Be it information or transaction, brevity and relevance is the key. Have your offer ready when they arrive and give them the tools to wrap it up, fast. Otherwise not only will they exit your site but will also make sure to steer clear of it even when it pulls up in future SERPS.

When planning your website pay special attention to all the landing pages that link from your searched keywords and take pains to make them relevant to avoid frustrating your customers. You may also consider hiring a web- copywriter to write compelling offers and calls to action. One who understands marketing, creative writing and web user habits. Often, it is the right offer, expressed with the right words that will clinch the deal while the wrong one’s can confuse. Also it is important to have a natural flowing page continuing from the search result. The look and feel should match your brand image and the landing page should have buttons for the visitor to move to other relevant pages within the website without much effort.

Treat the landing page as a complete location- a one stop shop for the visitor. Remember the single click rule. The visitor should be able to access the information they seek through the shortest, most direct route available.

If the website is the shop and the search engine results page is the show window, then the landing page is the spot where the customer can finally make that informed decision and take action. Remember, the product or offer displayed in that window pulled the customer into your shop.

If your customer had a great experience and found that you had followed through on the initial information or better still surprised them by exceeding on it. Then you have a loyal customer. At least until they find a better deal. They will bookmark your website and spread the word to increase your following. After all, finding great deals on the Net is quite a skill and your customer is an “adept and savvy shopper”. Let them come away with this feeling and your job is done. The home page might be dead but the inside pages will make sure it is not forgotten!

– Cherryone

