Cherryone – what do I need a web site for?

7 07 2008

We are in the 21st century now, time called by some an Age of Information or Age of Technology. With the rapid growth of the World Wide Web a concept of having a website became more familiar to business owners around the world. Rather, I should say that having a business website is a prerequisite to operating a successful business venture.

Some less internet savvy business people may have a website already or think about obtaining one but don’t really know what do they need it for. Arguments such as “Everybody has one” or “We just need one” don’t really answer the question, now do they?

Developing and maintaining a for-profit website is a business activity, right? So what should be the end of all business activities? Ultimately it should be increasing the wealth of the shareholders (business owners). But how can a website generate that wealth? Ways are multiple.

If you are running a service company, you may advertise your services online. If your website is seen by the right crowd and describes your services in an interesting way, people may look up your contact info on your site (always have it placed in a visible spot) and call you or shoot you an email, which earns you a lead.

Same works if you are selling products. You can display them on the web or even sell them through your website (eCommerce), which if done right may eliminate the need for having a brick-and-mortar storefront.

Also, you can generate revenue on your website by displaying other people’s ads or otherwise generate leads for them. All it comes down to is driving relevant traffic to your website. This can be done by effective Search Engine Optimization and Internet Marketing in general. I will describe these practices in more detail in my future posts.

Thanks for Reading the Cherryone Blog!

– Cherryone



One response

7 07 2008
Chris Moran

Nice writing style. Looking forward to reading more from you.

Chris Moran

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